
The UCSB Timekeeping Refresh Project is designed to replace our current system, Workforce Central, with a cutting-edge timekeeping solution. This change will strengthen our levels of efficiency, accuracy, and convenience in how we record and manage time. 

Why Pro Workforce Management?

UCSB's current timekeeping system, Workforce Central, will reach its end-of-life on December 31, 2025. Pro Workforce Management was selected as the next timekeeping system because its core functionality aligns seamlessly with our current product, which ensures a smooth transition for campus staff and minimal disruption to daily operations. Additionally, we are able to develop and deploy Pro Workforce Management well before our current timekeeping system's end-of-life date, which allows us to adapt gracefully to change and minimize potential challenges.

Project Timeline

Our timeline for the UCSB Timekeeping Refresh Project consists of three key phases:

  1. Discovery: We are currently in the discovery phase, where we are assessing our organization's unique requirements and tailoring Pro Workforce Management to meet our needs.
  2. Build: The build phase will follow shortly, where we will configure and customize Pro Workforce Management to integrate with our operations.
  3. Deployment: We are committed to completing this project no later than June 2025, ensuring that Pro Workforce Management is fully operational and ready to enhance our timekeeping processes.

Staying informed

Payroll managers and timekeepers will continue to receive email updates about the project via the Kronos Timekeepers Google Group. Announcements will also be posted to the Timekeeping website.

If users have questions or concerns that are not covered in the FAQs below, they can use a dedicated ticket in ServiceNow to contact the Timekeeping team. 

Frequently Asked Questions


All employees who currently use Kronos Workforce Central will transition to UKG Pro Workforce Management to record hours worked, enter leave taken, and manage timecards.

Yes. The Timekeeping team is working on developing training for payroll managers and timekeepers. The Timekeeping team is also working to update the documentation in the Timekeeping Knowledge Base.

No. Google Chrome will continue to be our recommended browser.

No. The payroll calendar and paydays for all employee types (biweekly hourly, monthly salaried, monthly hourly) will not change.

No. Their software will be upgraded as part of the transition to UKG Pro Workforce Management, but the timeclocks themselves do not need to be changed.